That the hell? I am speaking, of course of Britian's Got Talent contestant, Susam Boyle, who wowed the skeptical judges with her nightingale like voice. I just don't get the connection between a persons appearance (whatever it is) and their voice. And, if Simon, and his other cronies think there is a connection, then they are not only shallow--but stupid. What annoys me, is that they keep talking about how "surprised" they were. They weren't expecting much out of the woman because, they found her to be unattractive, odd, and pathetic. But, because she could sing, she somehow redeemed herself in their eyes.? Interesting.
The other aggravating story dominating the news is muscle- head, Hulk Hogan's moronic statements about how he could have left his ex wife's house "like a crime scene" like OJ Simpson. Of course the lovely ladies on the The View, missed the boat again. They have a habit of misplacing their outrage. They were miffed that Hogan would use such "violent language." What about the families of Simpson's victims?
Does anyone really care about the sordid lives of the Hogan Family? Is anyone interested in Hogan's wife dating a fetus (he is 19). What is bad (but not surprising) is that Hogan does not have the native intelligence to not talk about an infamous murder case that outraged so many people. I am sure that the family of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, enjoy hearing about how Hogan "took the high road" and refrained from slitting his ex wife's throat. What a guy. Apparently, Hogan does not "know best."
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