Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The art of Ebay
Ebay is a very interesting phenomenon. It is sort of like that hand held, electronic game of 20 questions. I think it is called 20Q. No matter what you are thinking of--even the obscure--the toy always gets the answer.
If you go to eBay, and do a search for just about anything, odds are you're going to find it. It is remarkable. One time I tried to think of something unebayable. Yet, I found in my search, that someone was, indeed, trying to unload a purple, rubber pig, circa 1969. Wow.
Art is a category unto itself on eBay. You can find a painting for $1.00 or $100.000. Yet, you are most likely to find something under $100.00. In fact probably close to 90% of art will fall into that range. This is great for buyers--not as good for sellers.
The fantasy art category (in which my art is often found) is a world of its own. It is filled with artists that have carved out a niche among the 10,000+ paintings that are for sale on any given day on eBay. Some of the favorite subject that loyal fantasy art lovers crave are Mermaids, fairies, unicorns, Pegasus (you get the idea). I always thought it would be nice to just combine them into one big painting--perhaps a mermaid with wings riding a Pegasus as he flies over a unicorn. Any eBay artist would appreciate its marketability.
One type of painting that is particularly popular is the ACEO, which stands for Art Card Edition Original. (They are 2.5" x 3.5") These are like trading cards, and are collected and traded. Check them out sometime. They are a fun item.
Fantasy art is well suited to the ACEO. Although, as an artist I find them difficult to paint without magnifying glasses.
The world of eBay art can be a rather cut throat environment, believe it or not. There are artists who actually contact other artists to complain that they are encroaching on there subject matter. One person emailed me to complain that I was painting a breed of dog that she painted. I guess she felt she had the monopoly on that breed. Yes, dogs doing cute human things is defiantly off limits, since she paints them. I guess she never saw "Dogs playing Poker." she might have sued.
Sometimes I can't shake the feeling, that fantasy art painters are probably frowned upon by some eBay artists. But, we do have staying power. As long as there is a Mermaid, Corgi dog, or Cat lover out there who seeks cute and colorful paintings, we will deliver. Now, go, my friends. Go to eBay and behold the many works of art that await you and your Pay Pal account.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Edwardian drama
Mrs Edwards has had a lot of misery in her life. No doubt. But, I can't help wonder what she was thinking in writing the book at all. It is entitled: "Resilience." But, the woman I watched and listened to, did not seem resilient. She seemed resigned. She was a little ticked off (as well she should). She appeared to be sad. It was like she had been painted into a corner and the only way out without getting her feet wet, was to line the floor with pages about herself. But, she has taken a rigid stance on certain things in order to tolerate them. It is only natural to feel that way. But, one of those things, is the child, that it is speculated, was born out of the affair of John Edwards and the woman Elizabeth did not want named in the interview. She said that the child had nothing to do with her. It has nothing to do with her life. Maybe, but she has something to do with John Edwards, if he is, indeed the father--and he is a part of her life. Her children might have a half sister. So, how does that work exactly?
An innocent child should not suffer because it was the result of lousy and selfish judgents of her parents. She has a right to know him. Mrs. Dole does not derserve more pain, but, it is what it is.
In the interview at the Edwards sprawling estate (30,000) square feet. (Who needs that much room-yikes) Oprah corners John Edwards in a hall way. It is an uncomfortable exchange. You can see him squirm, praying internally, for it to end. The guy is a weasal.
I don't know about you, but, when something humiliating happens to me, the last thing I want to do is, wait for it to die down, then, invite the entire world to my house to talk about it. If I had a terminal illness, I don't think I would want that as part of my legacy. But, people are different. Perhaps Elizabeth Dole, felt the need to speak her mind on the subject, while she was able, so no one could put words in her mouth later. I would not, maybe you would not--but, she did. Unfortunately, it is a sad fact, that, unlike people, interviews, once on film, live forever.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Dogs and Katz
Sometimes I read things that really get under my skin. Sometimes I read
things that bug me enough, that I actually feel the need to make my eyes and neck sore, by sitting in front of my LED computer screen typing with my tendonitis inflicted wrist and elbow. I hold the Chicago Tribune, and today's piece by Eric Zorn resposible for today's Fibromyalgia flare up.
things that bug me enough, that I actually feel the need to make my eyes and neck sore, by sitting in front of my LED computer screen typing with my tendonitis inflicted wrist and elbow. I hold the Chicago Tribune, and today's piece by Eric Zorn resposible for today's Fibromyalgia flare up.
The Tribs staff writter wrote about a new book entitled: Soul of a Dog. Apparantly, some bonehead wrote this book about how dogs are not capable of love.
I don't want to print the afore mentioned "bonehead," but, I think he has a lot of nerve stating this as a fact. Yes, accorinding to, (Oh, what the hell) John Katz, dogs are not happy to see you when they wag their tail or lick your face. No, these are just "Opportunisitc, maipulative behaviors." (Maybe he was thinking of teenagers instead of dogs.)
He also says that a dog's attatchment to you is (contrary to what we have always believed) "conditional." They really don't miss you when you're gone. And a dog's owner can be easily replaced by anyone who feeds and and scratches his head. (The dog's) So much for the notion of the "loyal companion ."
Thanks a lot Katz. Why don't you hunt down some preschoolers and tell them the Easter Bunny is a sham, while your at it.
Interestingly, this Katz actually owns dogs--and still he believes this. I guess he's done a lot of research and studies to back up these claims. But, I am wondering--how could he, or anyone, possibly know what or how a dog thinks? I mean, what was that dog, that recently ran into traffic on a busy highway to pull his injured buddy to safety, thinking? Google it. It is an amazing story. But, according to Katz, dogs don't have narrative minds or human qualties. I don't know many humans that will run in front of a car to save a pal. Do you?
Yes, dogs are different from humans--they live in the moment and don't hold grudges. But, I think this Katz has a hell of a lot of nerve to make assertions that mock the notions we hold about our canine companions. Dogs did not get the labels of loyal and loving for nothing.
What is the point in destroying our perceptions? I have not read this book, and am getting the information from Zorn, but I have to wonder why the book is entitled: "Soul of a dog." Katz doesn't seem to think dogs have much "soul"
It is true, that we humans tend to project our qualities on cute little animals. Every talking mouse cartoon, belies that, but, anyone who has looked into the eyes of his or her pooch, knows that Katz has it all wrong--all wrong. But, then, what do you expect from a guy named "Katz?"
He also says that a dog's attatchment to you is (contrary to what we have always believed) "conditional." They really don't miss you when you're gone. And a dog's owner can be easily replaced by anyone who feeds and and scratches his head. (The dog's) So much for the notion of the "loyal companion ."
Thanks a lot Katz. Why don't you hunt down some preschoolers and tell them the Easter Bunny is a sham, while your at it.
Interestingly, this Katz actually owns dogs--and still he believes this. I guess he's done a lot of research and studies to back up these claims. But, I am wondering--how could he, or anyone, possibly know what or how a dog thinks? I mean, what was that dog, that recently ran into traffic on a busy highway to pull his injured buddy to safety, thinking? Google it. It is an amazing story. But, according to Katz, dogs don't have narrative minds or human qualties. I don't know many humans that will run in front of a car to save a pal. Do you?
Yes, dogs are different from humans--they live in the moment and don't hold grudges. But, I think this Katz has a hell of a lot of nerve to make assertions that mock the notions we hold about our canine companions. Dogs did not get the labels of loyal and loving for nothing.
What is the point in destroying our perceptions? I have not read this book, and am getting the information from Zorn, but I have to wonder why the book is entitled: "Soul of a dog." Katz doesn't seem to think dogs have much "soul"
It is true, that we humans tend to project our qualities on cute little animals. Every talking mouse cartoon, belies that, but, anyone who has looked into the eyes of his or her pooch, knows that Katz has it all wrong--all wrong. But, then, what do you expect from a guy named "Katz?"
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