Did, Psychology student, Nadya feel an affinity for Dr. Phil? I do wonder. But, anyone who saw the interview had to be struck by what a motor mouth Nadya was. Given her inablility to control her desire for large numbers of children, it seems likely that she suffers from a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. It would go a long way to explain her preoccupation with having children and other patterns of thinking. I am not a doctor, but, Dr. Phil doesn't suggest this possibility. He told his audience that Nadya was "chatty." He said his only goal is his concern for the children. I am pretty sure that somewhere down the road, there will be a tie with some facility or commercial consideration.
I am sure he is concerned for the kids, as any normal person would be, but, why does he have to make two television episodes out of it? Does he really think that there hasn't been enough media coverage to her plight? Might someone who just got out of a coma two days ago, not know about it?
I especially loved the part of the interview, where Nadya's mother jokingly told Nadya to ask for a house. Nadya, chastised her and said they shouldn't ask for such things. Lord no. Don't ask. It is pretty much a done deal that someone will either donate a home, so they can get some advertising, or build one for the same reason. It is just too big an opportunity. Nadya is probably filtering through the offers right now. She is defiantly a piece of work.
Everything about this story is strange. Nadya's father told Oprah that his ex-wife is his best friend. Yet, he claims total ignorance of almost everything-including that his ex might lose her home. He said he has to go back to his country overseas, but is very mysterious about were that is. I can't get a handle on this family at all. I don't think her on camera interviews or squabbles with her mother are helping her image much. Not that it matters. One good thing may come out of this. The medical community might think twice before treating embryos like they are pumpkin seeds. The "What the hell--plant em all and see what grows." philosophy seems like a bad idea.
If Nadya wants a job, she should look into becoming spoke woman for Baby's R Us if they are still in business.