Whoopie, "the intellectual," Joy, the "loud mouth," Sherry Shepperd the "ditz" who didn't keven know that the earth was round (I am not making it up), Elizebeth Hasselbeck , the token "conservative," and of course--Barbara Walters, the "self promoter." But, I happened to have it on when I was doing some exercises. I could not belive what I was hearing. The ladies were appalled that the New York Post published cartoon showing police shooting a Chimpanzee (obviously the one that tried to kill his owner's friend this week)
They thought it was unfair to president Obama. Talk about totally missing the point. Whoopee and the gals are upset because it might hurt the president‘s feelings? They are indignant because the cartoonist was insensitive to racism? Where was the outrage for the actual victim herself? The woman had her face torn off. His owner tried to stab the animal to get it off of her. She said is was like stabbing herself, because the monkey was such a beloved part of her life. The victim is in critical condition at a hospital. None of the ladies were the slightest bit concerned about how she or her family might feel as a result of this cartoon being published.
I kept waiting for one of them to bring her up at all. They never did. They mentioned that the cartoon was too violent. It was not sensitive to the cause of stamping out racism. Really? That’s it? There is a dead Chimpanzee with blood oozing out in the cartoon-- A Chimp, that for some unknown reason, went berserk and tried to rip his owner's friend apart. She loved this animal. Her friend is now trying to survive and her family and friends are obviously beside themselves with worry and grief. But, they are outraged at the New York Post because the cartoon seemed insensitive to racism. The New York Post was not sensitive to anything or anyone ladies. It was a stupid cartoon and totally uncalled for on every level. And it wasn’t even what a cartoon is supposed to be--funny. What was funny about it?
Come on ladies, get in touch with the real world where everything is not about politics or President Obama. We peons out here in America, can decide what is outrageous and what isn’t. But, unfortunately, there are some who can’t think for themselves and actually look to you to tell them what is wrong with things.
New York Post--You should be ashamed of yourself. Freedom of speech is one thing--but, you have crossed every line of decency and good taste with that cartoon. And I am speaking as a human being and animal lover--not as someone with a political agenda to push. Ladies on The View--your view is askew.
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