Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Christian Bale out

Well, before I continue with the saga of the mice, I feel the need to weigh in on all of the celebrity hullabaloo currently flooding the T.V. Mind you this is just the perspective of a simple, gal from Nebraska, who is far removed from the glitz of Tinsel town. Yet, opinions--I have.

This Christian Bale thing--what’s that? I heard excerpts of his tirade, while I was driving in my car. I found it interesting that the Dark Knight could be so, for lack of a better term--rude. I mean, most British men might have handled the situation thusly:

“Oh, my, my dear chap, would you be so kind, as to not distract me on the set? Jolly good show, Govner” instead of:

"What the #*$! are you doing you #$*!ing ass*#*!"

Hmmmm, He’s a rather impatient fellow, isn’t he? He would be a lot of fun to stand behind at the post office or the DMV. I don’t ever remember hearing a recording of Cary Grant of Gary Cooper behaving that way. What happened to class? What used to be scandalous is now regarded as typical behavior. Flattering publicity--unflattering publicity--it's all good.

That got me to thinking about other people in the public eye that are elevated to beyond mortal status. Michael Phelps for example-- Here is a person who has just made a gazillion dollars in endorsements for being an uber athlete, who is stupid enough to let himself be photographed smoking Marijuana. It is bad enough that he actually feels the need to smoke it. I mean, I would think that all of the fame and mega millions would make a person content to the point that they would not need to alter their reality. But, No, he has to smoke it around other people who have photo capturing devices. I guess being a good athlete doesn’t necessarily make you smart.

Why does society feel the need to focus on these pseudo icons? Most Actors and athletes are spoiled, self centered, people, who really shouldn’t receive our attention. In fact, on Oprah’s show today, she had Jenny McCarthy plugging some new book about “women warriors“. She had to say the word “warriors” 50 times if she said it once. Then, after Jenny’s self indulgent spot, Oprah brought out a woman who had to have her arms and legs amputated after giving birth . While in the hospital, a Bacterial infection wreaked havoc throughout her body. Yet, she never gave up and returned home to her loving husband and family. This was a strong women who deserved our respect and compassion. Why did we need big mouth, Jenny McCarthy sitting next to her, telling us how she was a “warrior?” Because it tied into her book. Do we need to be lectured on who to admire by Jenny? It would have been much better, if Oprah had the inspirational woman on in her own right.

I have news for you Jenny--you are not a warrior. You are an (often vulgar) comedian/actress/playboy centerfold. Maybe you should look up the definition of warrior sometime. In fact, it would be nice if a lot of celebrities and celebrity news show looked up the meaning of words. “Amazing” is the new “awesome.” HLN’s Showbiz tonight uses the word “provocative” 5-10 times a show. Very few things are actually “amazing” or awesome. Oprah's inspiring guest was actually deserving of the word. But, not Jenny. She should have been on a differnet show.

And the last thing I want to say on the subject is how annoying it is to hear celebrities wine and cry about all of the publicity and paparazzi they have to contend with. Give me a break. It must be horrible to have people idolize you. It must be devastating to make 25 million dollars a movie and have to sign autographs and smile for photographs. Man, these poor, oppressed people. I wonder what they say when the cameras STOP following them.

What would be nice, is, if more people would lay their admiration at the feet of those who deserve it. I remember how much press Mother Theresa’s death garnered compared to Princess Diana. Diana was a likable person--but, she was no Mother Theresa. This warped way of idolizing stars won’t be changing any time soon--not with the internet and glut of celebrity show, and reality T.V. But, maybe some day, it will burn itself out enough that we can celebrate some real heroes like, generations before us did. I wonder....if Harriet Tubman were alive, and went on the Oprah show--would Tina Turner be in the seat next to her?

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