Sunday, February 1, 2009

Vagina mono blogs

I really want to finish my story about the Deer mice, but I keep getting side tracked by a new rant. As a woman with many questions about mid-life, I have been researching the changes our bodies will go through. One of the things I have learned is that, after menopause, and without estrogen replacement, a woman’s vagina may (now get this) atrophy. The hell, you say.

I just don’t understand how I could have gone in excess of 40 years and never have gotten wind of this information. How is it that nobody-- not a parent, not a teacher, not a doctor, nobody-- ever related this, or came right out and said, “Hey, by the way, you should know, that someday your vagina is going to atrophy.” Is it because I might have said, “Excuse me? Come again.? No way.”

“Way.” they would say.
“ But, how can that be?”
“Oh, it be.” they would assure me.

They might go on to add that it could become very dry and painful too. It will shorten and lose its elasticity. Well, that conversation never took place. So. I have to start wondering what else is going to happen that no one ever warned us about. What else? Is my ass going to fall off? My nipples turn to stone? What? Just how bad is this thing going to get?

It would have been nice to know about this a long time ago so I could have gotten all the use out of the thing before the end came-before the withering. I could have taken advantage of all the moisture before I had to dust my underwear.

Things do make a lot more sense now though. I used to wonder why old women didn’t seem to have much interest in sex. (not with me of course) It wasn’t because they didn’t want to have it--it was because there was a Rest In Peace marker over their vaginas.

Drug companies are ecstatic about our dilapidating mid-life bodies. Estrogen is the number two selling drug in America. It seems that a lot of women are not content to have atrophied vaginas or hot flashes for that matter. Even the threat of horomone side effects is not enough to make some suffer through the lousy consequences of aging. They refuse to mourn a dead vajayjay. Now that I think about it, maybe it would be better not to try to be so informed of things to come. Why mourne prematurely? I think I'll research the origins of chocolate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know SOY has estrogen, AHA....